Do you feel joke when you hear learning is fun?
It is only possible when your child understands that learning is fun!
And to make them understand, you must know how to make it possible.
Kids always love to be active, curious about things around them, and play different and exciting games every time.
-> Avoiding books and running behind the pets make them happier.
-> Helping mom in the kitchen is more interesting than building blocks.
-> Gone are those days when kids used to like bicycles. Now, it is all about the wave board and the skateboard.
If you make your child understand learning is fun, they will never run away from books. That is the rule which nowadays most school follows.

Handling kids during holidays or Lock downtime will not be challenging if you understand how to make them learn at home, with the concept “Learning is Fun.”
Here are the seven ways to keep your child active and teach them there is Fun in Learning.
1. Traditional learning
Play those games that you would have played when you were kids. Those traditional games which you loved to play and you had some learning in that process.

Alu Guli Mane
Like Alu Guli Mane and Chouka Baara. This is the game kids had to be active when the opponent was playing, the same as chess so that he can plan the next move based on the current move of the opponent.
Kids will improve their counting skills and thinking skills.
2. Pot painting & Planting
Let the beautiful hands get more beauty: allow kids to paint small pots, Diya, bird feathers, and broken ceramic glasses, decorating the mirror of used compact boxes.
Teach them to plant their favorite vegetables, which explains the importance of the tree, forest & nature.

Let them get dirty, and later involve them in cleaning, but let them have fun completely first.
3. Crafting is Rafting
Allow them to design the pillow cover, curtains, napkins, dresses, socks, hats, etc.
Let them choose the color; don’t kill their creativity by suggesting them.

Do not expect perfection in work. Enjoyment and fun should be the only motive.
4. Cooking
Teach kids to cook some snacks without using a knife and fire. Like burgers, Raw sandwiches, sprouts salad, Fruits salad, and vegetable salad.
Give them the task of preparing something for their siblings or grannies.

This activity brings a strong bonding between them.
5. Topic to present
Prepare kids for tiny topics like the butterfly’s life cycle, how does rainbow forms, etc.
Help them make bullet points and allow kids to draw on the topic they are interested in and present it to family members.
In this activity, give a time slot.
Timeline for the research on the topic they have chosen, bullet points, drawing, preparing, and presenting.
They will have real fun preparing their first presentation.
Please watch the video for your reference.
The life cycle of a Butterfly and How does the rainbow form.
6. Schedule Sheet: Learning is Fun
Make kids prepare their schedules. In that schedule sheet, everything has to be mentioned, like from the time they are off from bed until they go to bed and what they will do.
Allow them to add all their favorite activities. For sure, they will add screen time and outdoor activity.
Later, add the time slot and a few responsible & Healthy activities.
Responsible: While sleeping, check whether the door is closed or not, check elders water bottles are filled before they go to bed, is the play area is cleaned once they are done with playing. And lots according to your kid’s everyday activities.
Healthy Activity: Meditation, listening/reading small moral story books, measuring water intake, prayer & gratitude.
Schedule sheet
The schedule sheet should contain fun and learning.
7. Appreciate Chart
Prepare a “Star Chart” to appreciate kids on their work.
Appreciation and reward are very important to keep them happy. It also makes them understand that Learning is Fun.
Keep rewarding them by sharing a star for each good behavior, and once they cross 10 stars prepare their favorite dish to make them feel they have done a good job.
This will help kids to understand how important behavior is in life.
Star Chart
Do not forget to deduct the stars if they misbehave, break the rules, disobey elders, not eating healthy food, ask for junk food, etc.
Keeping creativity alive in kids is very important, don’t force them to study all the time, nor keep them busy on mobile / TV since you want them not to disturb you.
As parents, we can create lots of such activities at home to make kids understand Learning is Fun.
While having fun, they should learn life values.
Respect, Love, Care, Kind, Helpful, Honest, Trust, Truth, Responsible, etc.
Visite to our Youtube Channel: UrLifyStyle & Ethashaclub8560.