Yes, if you break up with your Mobile Phone, then your partner will not break up with you.
It may sound funny or irrelevant but trust me; mobile is one that thing in your life that brings major problems. Do you agree with me if I tell you that some % of your life problem is directly or indirectly connected to a Mobile device? The problem with your spouse, parents, kids, or in that case, even official problems. If you say no, I am sure you will admit it by the end of the blog.
I also agree that the mobile phone has also made human life much easier and faster than it used to be. But we had a life before mobile phones, and if we use them wisely, we can solve most of the problems we face because of our mobile phones.
Now, how can a mobile phone bring a problem to us? To make it clear, just ask the below question for yourself then we will talk further about it:
Do you feel lethargic once you are off bed?
Do you think yet another day in your life ended without fun & entertainment?
After working the entire day, do you still have much pending work to do?
Do you feel unsatisfied about your day & yourself at the end of the day?
If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, that is because you don’t have a fixed plan every day. At least your weekly plans should be fixed and have certain fixed routines to do, which helps you to maintain your mental and physical health.
Start your day with the Moring Routines, the time which you give yourself the”ME TIME”. When you have a good habit of morning routine, then the entire day looks big and successful. But are you hearing about the morning routines first time? I don’t think you know it before you read this blog, but still, you fail to have one.
Most of us fail to maintain our Morning routines because of our Mobile Phones. Because before you open your eyes completely, you unlock your mobile phone early in the morning.
As I mentioned initially, the major problem of your life is directly or indirectly connected to the mobile.
Now that we know the problem, we should also have the solution.
The major change which you need to bring within you in the morning routine is to keep your mobile away for an hour once you wake up.

But can you do it? That’s a big task or equal to impossible for the people who are Nomophobia(NO MObile PHone phoBIA).
Below are a few lists of questionary to find out if you are NOMOPHOBIA
- Do you panic when you don’t see your mobile once you are out of bed?
- You will check for social media updates once you leave the washroom.
- You Keep checking your mobile even in the movie theatre, Middle of a critical meeting, or In between your meals.
- When you wake up for the washroom or drink water at night, you will check on your mobile battery or social media updates, messages, etc.
If your answer is Yes to all the above questions, congratulations, you belong to the NOMOPHOBIA group.
Firstly, treat your phone as an enemy for a few hours in the morning. Trust me; it is going to change your life. Break up with your mobile phone early in the morning and before going to bed.

Once you dismiss your alarm and wake up in the morning, keep your phone away to avoid distractions from notifications. Keep it silent, vibrate, in flight mode, do not disturb mode, or switch off the notifications for hours. The choice is yours; pick any but keep it away from you in the morning so that you make up your healthy morning routine.
When you check your mobile early in the morning, you get angry from annoying emails and upset about social media posts. But still, you keep scrolling down and down to check for more updates. You think that let me check on updates for just 5 minutes, and you will never know how an hour passed in that 5 minutes. You understand well what I am trying to say.
The same applies at night. Stay away from social media updates, news, status, and emails for at least one hour before bed. It helps you sleep peacefully without getting annoyed or demotivated.
Benefits of keeping your mobile away :
An hour before the sleep | An hour after you wake up |
Positive thoughts | Positive Behaviour |
Good Sleep | Self Motivated day |
Peaceful mind | High energy |
The clarity for the next day | New hope in life |
Prayer | Grateful |
Healthy Relationship | Happy |
Unharming your day starts in the early morning, which is in your hand.
If you feel like your days are just passing by, it is because you are spending most of your time on the wrong things.
The best way to start your day is to hug your loved ones and say Good morning which is a good kickstart to keep you going the entire day, instead of saying Good morning to your mobile phone.
Think about those days when a mobile phone was only to call for an emergency. The rest of the time is spent with family and friends and planning to achieve your goals. You miss many beautiful and valuable things around you because you are always on your cell phone.
Life is very beautiful. People around you are waiting for you.
Just keep the mobile phone away and welcome the love which is coming towards you.
Share it with me if you, your friends, or your family members are facing issues because of overusing the Mobile phone.
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