7 best Morning Routines to adopt

One who wins the Morning Routines achieves 50% of their dreams.

According to the survey, only 10% of professionals begin their day between 4 am to 6 am, and they are the top rich person in the world. And no doubt, they have fixed Morning Routines, adopted as part of their lifestyle.

“If you want to change the world, start by making your bed “- Admiral William H. McRaven.

Having said that, here are the 7 critical points to add to your Morning Routines to develop your personality, which will help you to achieve your dreams faster and easier.

1. Adding Gratitude to your Morning Routines.

Take 5 mins’ time when you are in bed and start with a Thank you list to God for what you have today. 

Be grateful for your good health, food, water, clothes, and, Most importantly, you are alive today at this movement. It might be basic, but even today, many families struggle every Morning for one meal daily.

Be grateful for the things and the people around you. It may be a family member, friend, any known person, or a stranger who always takes care of you without you noticing it. 

Morning Routines - Gratitude
Start with Gratitude to feel Happy.

Have you ever thanked the pantry guy who cleans your table after eating? Thanked the watchman who takes care of your kid in your absence? Have you thanked your mom and spouse for keeping things at home according to your requirement?

Adding to the above point a surprise thank you note or a treat will make them feel good.

We take people around us for granted. A surprise thank you note or a treat makes them feel good.

2. Hydrating

Further, the first thing you should consume early Morning is water. Warm water with lemon and honey, detox water, or just water allows your body organs to begin on a good note.

In addition to the above point, avoid bedtime tea or coffee, which does not benefit you in any way to keep your health good. Water is the problem solver for lots of health issues. 500 ml water first thing in the Morning will solve all your long-term and short-term health problems.

3. Work out early in the Morning.

You know that exercise improves your health and enhances your quality of life. But still, how many of us adopt workouts to our Morning Routine?

30 to 40 minutes of exercise every day will be the greatest gift you give yourself.

Morning Routines - Exercise
Add Workout in the Morning Routines

But remember to stay away from one type of exercise. There are many kinds of workouts. Yoga, Zumba, aerobics, weight lifting, jogging, and regular walking. It is required to change your workout pattern because your body gets edited to one kind of activity and stops giving you the desired result.

Once you see the result, it becomes an addition. Once you feel the change, it becomes a habit. 

4. Meditation

Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you listen to God. – Diana Robinson.

One who has experienced it knows the exact benefit of meditation. Most of the time, during the initial days of your meditation, you feel sleepy. Remember, you are going in the right direction.

It happens initially, but you will see the difference if you keep practicing.

Morning Routines - Meditation

There is a lot of meditation music on the internet. Or you can also start with your favorite instruments.

When you add meditation to your Morning routines, initially, you may feel very emotional, or only negative thoughts may come over again and again, or sometimes the past life comes in front of you like a real movie. Thats common; let it go.

Remember, nothing comes like a Fastrack. If you need the best result, you must give some quality time.

5. Affirmation

The strength in the Affirmations lines makes you realize how different you are from what you feel about yourself. Make a list of your Affirmations.

Morning Routines - Affirmations
Life Goals

Very Simple technic to make your dream come true. Write your Goals, where you see yourself in the next 5 years, how you look, your financial state, what you have achieved, everything. Record it in your voice. Listen to it every day and Visualize.

Initially, you can repeat the affirmations you have learned, but later you can make your own affirmations to achieve success in life. Believe in the power of Affirmations.

6. Take time for yourself

Taking care of yourself is equally important as taking care of your family. Take some time for yourself every day and observe yourself. What is that you are doing? What makes you happy? The thing which triggers your anger? What is good in you? Your Improvement area.

Watching your life movie sitting alone in a theater teaches you about your strength, power, and growth. It is an excellent way of motivating yourself.

Morning Routines - Me Time

Stand in front of the mirror and talk to yourself. Understanding what you are. What makes you happy, what makes you sad, what triggers you?

This activity will help you overcome all the challenges you face because of your behavior. 

As a result, it also helps you to love, pamper, respect, and care for yourself.

7. Lastly, Break up with your Mobile

Gone are those days when people used to get up from bed after praying to God. Now people wake up from bed after checking social media updates, emails, and what’s app status.

If you want to make a good morning routine, break up with your mobile for at least 2 hours every day in the morning hours. You will see the changes within 5 to 10 days.

One who has Goals & ambitions in life can do it. Others have only excuses. The same applies at night. Stay away from social media updates, news, status, and emails for at least one hour before bed.

10 Don’t on your Morning Routines

  1. Snoozing the alarm.
  2. Check the emails on the bed.
  3. Login into social media.
  4. Thinking about the past.
  5. Negative thoughts about others.
  6. Bed coffee / Tea.
  7. Skipping the workout.
  8. Skipping meals.
  9. Thinking about failure.
  10. Calls.


Again the Morning Routines start from the day before.

Set the things in place to make your Morning easier. Keep the morning outfit ready, check the availability of the ingredient for morning breakfast, pack the office bags, and check the planner /to-do list.

If you feel like your days are just passing by, it is just because you spend most of your time on unnecessary things instead of focusing on your goals and dreams.

If you want to be a leader of your life, take control of your Morning Routines.

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